March bookmarks
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This “bookmarking” format doesn’t seem to be working for me because of the way I am doing this. It also seems that I am bookmarking more and more things and I leave all the bookmarks to the last days of the month. I feel like I don’t have enough time to give them proper treatment. I want to share my favourite quotes and my opinions on them and this method seems rushed. I might go back to my original plan of doing them every two weeks.
I have also decided to split between tech and non-tech related articles because I feel that the amount should be the same (and it currently isn’t).
Also this month went by too quickly. Too quickly.
Bookmarks from March
Non-tech articles
- Volunteering in orphanages - by Unicef.
- I Found the Best Burger Place in America. And Then I Killed It. - by Kevin Alexander
- The Weight of Words: Self-Acceptance Doesn’t Have to Be a Solo Journey - by Nicole Zhu
- The Poor Can’t Afford Not to Wear Nice Clothes - by Tressie McMillan Cottom
- You don’t need more than a warm smile to fly with babies… - by Eva Wiseman
- Journey of a Fashionable Minimalist: Episode 3 – Discovering minimalism - by Georgie Luhur Cooke
- Sorry to bother you, but do you say “sorry” too much? What to say instead - by Daniella Balarezo
Tech related content
- Content-based grid tracks and embracing flexibility - by Hidde de Vries
- Having an open dialog - by Scott O'Hara
- CSS Shapes Resources - by Kristopher Van Sant
- Fighting uphill - by Eric Bailey
- Help! None of my projects want to be SPAs - by Jason Goldstein
- Building Intelligent Layouts with CSS Grid - by Michelle Barker
- Web Accessibility Guide - by Stefan Fejes
- CSS Specificity - by Estelle Weyl
- How I Started Reading mix-blend-mode and What They Are Creating with It - by Wei Gao
- The web we broke. - by Ethan Marcotte
- Accessibility Insights - by Microsoft
- - by Andrew Tan, Preston Lim and Tan Kai Wei
- Tinkersynth - by Josh Comeau
- Layered parallax effect - by Thea
- How to design an accessible color scheme - by Katie Riley
- CSS Scroll Snap: How Do I Look In This? - by Olivia Ng
- JS Paint - by Isaiah Odhner
- React fragments - by Sarah Chima
- CSS Grid: Floor Plan - by Olivia Ng
- An introduction to web components - by Caleb Williams
- Accessible Brand Colors - by Use All Five
- Offline Homebrewing - by Benjamin Parry
- Always Own Your Platform - by Sean Blanda
- Ctrl-Alt-Delete: The Planned Obsolescence of Old Coders - by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis
- Becoming a tech speaker - by Michelle Barker
- An Introduction to Static Site Generators - by Eduardo Bouças
- Making Generative Music in the Browser - by Alex Bainter
- Piccalili - Issue 1 - by Andy Bell
Things that made me smile one way or another
- Developurrs - #013 - Ana Rodrigues with Jessie - by Andy Bell and me
February bookmarks
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February was a complete write-off for me. It wasn't a good month but to my surprise I bookmarked a lot of things in the first two weeks of it. I also created an account in TikTok as if I don't waste enough time already looking at memes.
Bookmarks from February
- Why We Need to Talk About—and Recognize—Representation Burnout - by Martha Tesema.
- Don’t feel like an expert? Share anyway. - by Sara Wachter-Boettcher
- Exclusive Design - by Vasilis van Gemert
- Your digital identity has three layers, and you can only protect one of them - by Katarzyna Szymielewicz
- Accessibility Reviews - by Adrian Roselli and Tobie Langel
- ASCII renderer - by Tommy Li
- Tokimeki Unfollow - by Julius Tarng
- TRUST the Process: How to present your best, when you’re at your worst - by Tatiana Mac
- These Comics About Work Anxieties Are Painfully Real - compilation by Arianna Rebolini and comics by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy
- The end of the celebrity designer - by Tim Van Damme
- A web of anxiety: accessibility for people with anxiety and panic disorders [Part 1] - by David Swallow
- A web of anxiety: accessibility for people with anxiety and panic disorders [Part 2] - by David Swallow
- "My background pattern resources" - by Wes Bos
- Statistics - Children and Young people victims of crime and violence 2013-2017 (in Portuguese) - by APAV (Associação Portuguesa de Apoio à Vítima)
- Web Components Club - by Andy Bell
- The "C" is for accessibility - by Evangelina Ferreira
- Progressive Vue Toggle - by Andy Bell
- CSS Reference - by Jeremy Thomas
- Complete guide to accessible video and audio for the web - by Stefany Newman
- Let's bring Fan Sites and webrings back! - by Bryan Robinson
- Awesome Leadership and Management - by Lauri Apple
- Your words are wasted - by Scott Hanselman
- The Best Way to Ride Out Air Turbulence - by Cynthia Drescher
- Using persona profiles to test accessibility - by Anika Henke
- MIDI CITY 2000 - by Monica Dinculescu
- You guys - by Baron Schwartz
- CSS Doodle - by Yuan Chuan
- Front end wizard - by Kieran Venison
- Pure CSS Still Life - Water and Lemons - by Ben Evans
- "TIL" RSS Feed - by Sara Soueidan
- Quick Note on high contrast mode - by Scott O'Hara
- CSS Night Cat - by Steve Gardner
- Ryan Adams, misogyny and “sensitive” masculinity - by Anna Leszkiewicz
- Slapping Back Imposter Syndrome - by Alice Goldfuss
- Micrometa 2 demo page - by Joschi Kuphal
- Look Ma, No Media Queries! Responsive Layouts Using CSS Grid - by Juan Martín García
- The Colors of Motion
- CSS selectors cheatsheet - by Nana
- IndieKit - by Paul Robert Lloyd
- Using CSS Grid the right way - by Violet Peña
Things that made me smile one way or another
January bookmarks
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Maybe these "bookmarks posts" will a monthly thing. I realised my life isn't that eventfull in terms of bookmarking.
Bookmarks from January
- Being glue - by Tanya Reilly
- Veerle's blog - by Veerle
- Engineering Management: The Pendulum Or The Ladder - by Charity
- SVG Gradient Map Filter - by @yoksel_en
- A refactor with CSS variables - by Jules Forrest
- Static Indieweb pt1: Syndicating Content - by Max Böck
- Stepping away from Sass - by Cathy Dutton
- When to stop - by Dustin Curtis
- How to Stop Opening Links in New Windows without Warning - by Nicolas Steenhout
- Impostor Syndrome, Perfectionism, Anxiety and Learning to be Kind to Yourself - by Jo Franchetti
- Personal sites are awesome! - by Andy Bell
- CSS only morphing blob - by Monica Dinculescu
- Trapped in a hoax: survivors of conspiracy theories speak out - by Ed Pilkington
- WordArt - by Katherine Kato
- Repeater - by Richard Westenra
- New year, new website - by Meagan Fisher
- HTML, CSS and our vanishing industry entry points - by Rachel Andrew
- Why isn't the internet more fun and weird? - by Jarred
- myRSS - by Stuart Robson
- New York Insurers Can Evaluate Your Social Media Use—If They Can Prove Why It’s Needed - by Leslie Scism
- My experience at Global Diversity CFP Day - by me!!!
- Night trains in Europe
- Learn in Public - by Shawn Wang
Things that made me smile one way or another
- Catwalk documentary on Netflix
- Cat that only wants to be brushed on the neck
- This screencap from the good place
- What it looks like landing at the Nuuk Greenland Airport
- Australian Shepherds “wigglebutts”
- How camera lenses change your shape
- 1995 Multimedia Cats
- Exchange in reddit
- This dog trying to take home to biggest stick ever
- Four generations meme
Bookmarks of 2018
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A while back Twitter stopped allowing users to access all their likes unless they paid for it. This means that I have officially lost access to things I liked. Before they released their bookmark feature, I was using the "likes" feature as a bookmark to read later. I know it wasn't ideal and it was pretty lazy of me and it obviously backfired. I clearly haven't learnt my lessons and I started to use their bookmark feature instead of something else. If I learnt anything from this experience is that I shouldn't completely trust this free feature.
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, some people started to post their bookmarks on their website to save them forever. I like that idea but I wouldn't necessarly like to see the exact same implementation on my blog and social media accounts. In my old blogs I used to have "link packs" similar to what Swiss Miss has in their blog and I also enjoy newsletters that do the same. I like to have time to read things and leave my own comments and be in control of how it looks like in my blog.
Because of all this, I decided to do a clean up of my Twitter bookmarks. I know I have other bookmarks spread around my browser and slack and I will try to include those in this post too. From now on, I intend to do link packs every week or every two weeks and will add those to my bookmarks collection page (this page is a work in progress).
(some) Bookmarks of 2018
- Simple Demo of Vertical Centering - Simple demo of vertical centering by Jen Simmons.
- Apart from Code - by Amber Wilson
- How to preload Google Fonts using resource hints - by Chris Ashton
- Designing for Inclusion with Media Queries - by Eric Bailey
- Logging Off - by Valerie Woolard Srinivasan
- I dunno - by Brad Frost
- Text Effects Collection - by Mandy Michael
- Resilient, Declarative, Contextual - by Keith J. Grant
- From Pen & Paper to SVG Animations. An Illustration Adventure - by Lisi Linhart
- IndieWeb Guides - by Calum Ryan
- Making Web Apps with React - by Glitch Team
- UI Goodies - by Jess Eddy
- CSS-at - by Yuan Chuan
- I don't believe in full stack engineering - by Robin Rendle
- So you want to speak at tech conferences but you have nothing to talk about… - by Nadia Odunayo
- Road trip - by Malte Ubl
- Real time moon - by Burke Holland
- GeoStack SVG Generator - by Melissa Em
- Data Violence and How Bad Engineering Choices Can Damage Society - by Anna Lauren Hoffmann
- Awesome Resources RoadMap - by Egwuenu Gift
- Why Women Volunteer for Tasks That Don’t Lead to Promotions - by Linda Babcock, Maria P. Recalde and Lise Vesterlund
- What walls are for - by Leisa Reichelt
- Limitation breeds creativity - by Cassie Evans
- The history of the web - by Jay Hoffmann
- On Toxic Jobs, Low Self-Esteem, & Interviewing - by Rachel Thomas
- The Complete Illustrated Flexbox Tutorial - by JavaScript Teacher
- Site credits list - by Joel Andrew Glovier
- A11y Wins - by Marcy Sutton
- Accessibility Cheatsheet - Moritz Gießmann
- NES-style CSS Framework - by @bc_rikko
Between all these there were a lot of favourited tweets, codepens, videos, instagrams. So many. I know I missed quite a few bookmarks too. Hopefully by having a weekly or bi-weekly compilation I can be more granular and also share lots of content not related to web development.