A drawing of Ana holding a phone and taking a photo of a cat who is washing itself. The cat says, suprised, oh, hello Ana.


Jottings from Ana Rodrigues

More bookmarks from 2021

I'm not gonna lie - I'm quite disappointed in myself that I still haven't got my poop together and gone back to doing this monthly. I managed to write some blog posts since March but all those happened because I milked really hard the surge of energy I had at that moment.

As I've gone a bit quieter, the following quote has been haunting me every time I sign in on Twitter.

On the platform, silence isn’t an option, at least not if you want the network to remember you exist.

Quote via The internet didn’t kill counterculture—you just won’t find it on Instagram.

Bookmarks related to tech and web development

Other bookmarks

  • Mood: Tired
  • Doing: Sitting in the garden
  • Thinking: I miss me
  • Listening: Terrible thing by AG

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