Let's get these out of the way!
Bookmarks related to tech and web development
- Likes* are the best by Hagen Terschüren.
- Paged.js.
- Making Math Accessible by Dan O’Mahony and Ricky Onsman.
- My Eleventy site setup by Anh.
- 88x31 archive by .
- W3C badge custom element demo by Patrick Brosset.
- Adding Search to an Eleventy Site Without Client-side JavaScript by Philip Renich.
- My script to auto-delete Google Maps reviews by Ash Kyd.
- Digital Cleanup Day.
- Scroll-driven Animations by Bramus.
- The quiet, pervasive devaluation of frontend by Josh Collinsworth.
- On tech enabled abuse by Alice Watson.
- Gardens and power by Ben Werdmuller.
- Getting rid of crap data by Gerry McGovern.
- The work is never just “the work” by Dave Stewart.
- IndieWebCamp Brighton 2024 by Murray Champernowne.
- The environmental benefits of privacy-focussed web design by by Paul Jardine and Becky Thorn.
- about ideas now by Peter Hagen, Louis Barclay, and others.
- There's nothing you can do to prevent a SIM-swap attack by Terence Eden.
- The Online Degradation of Women and Girls That We Meet With a Shrug by Nicholas Kristof.
- We Need to Decarbonize Software by Rina Diane Caballar.
- You’re a Blogger, Not an Essayist by Barry Hess.
- #10: Blogging to Bring Psychological Research to a General Audience.
- We Need To Rewild The Internet by Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon.
- The Ultimate Collection of CSS-only Shapes by Temani Afif.
- No, I don’t want to fill out your contact form by Adam Jones.
- We can have a different web by Molly White.
- Time-based CSS Animations by Yuan Chuan.
- What's the best laptop I could get for no more than £50? by Neil.
- Recent CSS Bookmarks 16 by Roma Komarov.
- Blogroll Network Map by Robert Alexander.
- Not always mobile first by Matthias Zöchling.
- Something went wrong by Molily.
- Alternatives to Using Pure Black (#000000) for Text and Backgrounds by Dmitry Sergushkin.
- Social Media Blocking Has Always Been A Lie by Terence Eden.
- SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand by Myriam Frisano.
- Handwriting your RSS feed by Everest Pipkin.
- Saving tabs in a text file by Hyde.
- Doug Engelbart or: How We Learned to Stop Commanding and Love the Mouse by Sara Joy.
- Practical Accessibility Tips You Can Apply Today by Kevin Andrews.
- Font-face toggler bookmarklet v2 by Stoyan Stefanov.
- Unleash the Power of Scroll-Driven Animations by Geoff Graham.
- How Google is Killing Bloggers and Small Publishers – And Why by Michael Miszczak.
- Add content to the margins of web pages when printed using CSS by Rachel Andrew.
- A guide to bookmarklets by Darek Kay.
- You are not a CSS dev if you have not made a CSS reset by Mike Mai.
- Expert Guide: Writing HTML for Screen Reader Users by Florian Schroiff.
- Engineering for Slow Internet by brr.
- Modern Health, frameworks, performance, and harm by Eric W Bailey.
- CSS mesh gradients.
- geometric patterns.
- Usage of Google Fonts violates GDPR by Donata Stroink-Skillrud.
- Fit-to-Width Text: A New Technique by Roman Komarov.
- 5 CSS snippets every front-end developer should know in 2024 by Adam Argyle.
- The infuriating inefficiency of accessibility audits and what to do about it by Eric Eggert.
- A handful of reasons JavaScript won’t be available by Andy Bell.
- Accessibility Prototyping.
- What is Utility-First CSS? by Heydon Pickering.
- Designing better target sizes by Ahmad Shadeed.
- 627: Getting Comfortable with the Struggle and Vibe Driven Development by Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier.
- Migrating from Netlify to Cloudflare for AI bot protection by Sia Karamalegos.
- CSS Bookmarklets for Testing and Fixing by Adrian Roselli.
- The case for a better web.
- Accessibility Acceptance Criteria.
- I'm Afraid to Die, so I Made a Website by rootCompute.
- I've Built My First Successful Side Project, and I Hate It by Sebastian Witowski.
- Two books, no longer apart. by Ethan Marcotte.
- Your CSS reset should be layered by Mayank.
- How I refactored the BBC navigation bar; and a follow-up FAQ by Josh Tumath.
- How to Test JavaScript for Accessibility Compliance by Florian Schroiff.
- Make creative borders with background-clip border-area by Jen Simmons.
- 11ty Themes Joy.
- Yes, progressive enhancement is a fucking moral argument by Charlie O’Hara.
- The eras of CSS by Robin Rendle.
- Ep. #38: Morals, ethics and being eco-friendly as a FE Developer by Chucho Castañeda and Ricard Torres.
- Authors Together.
Other bookmarks
- Links with Tips and Advice for Public Speaking by Marc Thiele.
- European crash tester says carmakers must bring back physical controls by Jonathan M. Gitlin.
- RollerCoaster Tycoon at 25: ‘It’s mind-blowing how it inspired me’ by Thomas Hobbs.
- Misunderstanding the slow life and failing to live by Ratika Deshpande.
- #14: On Writing About the Painful Stuff by Ratika Deshpande.
- The ‘Impossible Life’ of Equal Devotion to Art and Mothering by Jessica Grose.
- I love getting older by Annie.
- You Might Not Recover from Burnout. Ever. by Devon.
- ‘Eye-opening’ report calls for action on ‘inconsistent and unpredictable’ bus services for disabled passengers by John Pring.
- Brief and practical tips for public speaking by Stephanie Stimac.
- What happens when everybody lies? by Elena Rossini.